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Toilet qog'ozi uchun mashinalar

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1880 mm gazeta qog'ozlari ishlab chiqarish turli iste'molchilarning ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun samarali ishlab chiqarish

mahsulot tavsifi
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers details
mahsulot parametrlari
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers supplier
qo'llaniladigan sanoat
ishlab chiqarish zavodi
koʻrgazma xonasining joylashgan joyi
mahsulot turi
hojatxona matolari
ishlov berish turi
qog'oz tayyorlash mashinasi
kelib chiqish joyi
ishlab chiqarish quvvati
Mashinalarni sinovdan o'tkazish to'g'risidagi hisobot
taqdim etilgan
videofilmdan chiqish tekshiruvi
taqdim etilgan
sotish turi
oddiy mahsulot
asosiy qismlar kafolati
1 yil
asosiy tarkibiy qismlar
plc, bosimli idish
sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatish
xorijda mashinalarga xizmat ko'rsatish uchun tayyor bo'lgan muhandislar
mashina turi
hojatxona qogʻozi tayyorlash mashinasi
chiqindi qog'ozi
yuqori va o'rta sifatli gazlama qog'ozi
qogʻoz vazni
13-40 g/m2
silindr shakli kengligi
2350 mm
5-6 t/kun
ehtiyot qismlar
nazorat qilish
PLC tizimi, ABB
amal qilish
barqaror va avtomatik
mahsulot namoyishi
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers manufacture
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers factory
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers manufacture
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers supplier
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers factory
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers factory
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers supplier
asosiy komponent ekiomenti
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers manufacture
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers manufacture
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers manufacture
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers details
tayyor mahsulot
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers details
bog'liq mahsulotlar
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers details
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers supplier
kompaniya profilini
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers manufacture
zhengzhou guangmao mashinasozlik ishlab chiqarish co.ltd, zhengzhou shahrida joylashgan, Xitoy, Xitoyda yetakchi professional qog'oz mashinasi ishlab chiqaruvchi, qaysi pulp ishlab chiqarish mashinasi qog'oz ishlab chiqarish mashinasi va qog'oz qayta ishlash mashinasi ishlab chiqarish ixtisoslashgan. biz 787, 1092, 1575, 1760,
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers supplier
mijozlarning maqtovi
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers supplier
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers supplier
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers details
1880mm Tissue Paper Manufacturing Efficient Production To Meet The Needs Of Different Consumers factory
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